• hide images of specific datasets

    If two datasets are on top of each other, by default it will jump to the image closest to the selected position, no matter which dataset it is in. We want to influence which datasets are used when the user jumps to a new position in the viewer.  Our current approach is to wait for the event onTransitionStart via connect() and thus trigger a custom function "triggerHandler" that jumps to an image in the target dataset. As soon as the user moves to a position in the viewer, our function "triggerHandler" is triggered with onTransitionStart (via connect).

    Our current approach has the downside that we only react on the default-transition and redirect it to another image. It would be better if we could select the datasets that users move to when they double click somewhere.
    Is there a better approach than using onTransitionStart to choose specific datasets to move to?

    In addition, it would be handy to display only the locationMarkers that belong to a specified dataset. Via getLocationMarkerLayer() you get a SceneLayerInterface that gets a lot of information about the LocationMarkers. One possibility would be to hide the LocationMarkers of the images not needed with "hide image". However, this would be an intervention in the backend and would therefore have cross-user effects.
    Can LocationMarkers be shown or hidden depending on their dataset in some way?

    Our idea to hide point clouds of certain datasets is to create different groups and give permissions to datasets only to certain groups. A user is assigned to a certain group and can view datasets dependent on his assignment.
    Is there another, less complicated approach to hide  point clouds of a specific dataset?