How to calculate the global yaw, pitch, roll of the 360 image according to the pano-poses.csv?
How to calculate the global yaw, pitch, roll of the 360 image according to the pano-poses.csv?Quaternion convert to Euler using "X-Y-Z" order or "Z-Y-X" ?
# pano poses v1.0: ID; filename; timestamp; pano_pos_x; pano_pos_y; pano_pos_z; pano_ori_w; pano_ori_x; pano_ori_y; pano_ori_z
0; 00000-pano.jpg; 1618382847; 447865.995; 4422511.246; 40.198; 0.998054; -0.001177; -0.061687; 0.009056
1; 00001-pano.jpg; 1618382852; 447864.984; 4422511.823; 40.179; 0.989703; -0.007427; -0.058321; 0.130505
2; 00002-pano.jpg; 1618382884; 447862.586; 4422510.496; 40.016; 0.72261; 0.025959; -0.072374; 0.686966