I'm also continuing to request this feature. <br>
Structured scans are required to process meshes in several different meshing softwares such as RealityCapture, Agisoft Photoscan and Autodesk Recap etc. Power of these softwares are different work pipelines and software integrations. <br>
For our purposes this feature would allow me to import pointclouds into Reality Capture, where I can create sizeable meshes through automated workflows to gameready assets using several industry standard softwares. It would totally change our way to capture data, and many others on engineering, architechture and visualisation field, since its super fast, accurate enough and provides even dng. images, which then supports texturing meshes with them. It would be fantastic!<br>
Please consider very carefully to add this kind of feature.<br>
For example, If all panoramic images could be turned into virtual scan stations, it would really make a huge difference.<br>